Cold Weather Below 28ºF
Any Pressure Washer that flows between 1.2 GPM - 3.5 GPM
Air Compressor with a minimum of 5cfm@90psi
Please select your pressure washer flow rate (GPM) when ordering.
The Mini Series Snowmakers are our most affordable, entry level home snowmakers. They are perfect for someone new to home snowmaking or on a budget. Constructed from high pressure rated brass and stainless steel, these snowmakers will last for a long time. The automatic nucleation valve handles all of the snowmaker air and water adjustments for you, giving you a plug and play set up.
All Mini Series Snowmakers are shipped fully assembled. You will need to install an air hose quick connect compatible with your air hose (if applicable). These snowmakers do not come with stands. You will need to make your own or mount the snowmaker to the side of something such as a tripod or step ladder that is at least 3 feet off the ground.